Our cyber security professionals have helped many clients for years with certification, data protection and more. Today we look at how you can work towards IASME Governance certification with CRIBB Cyber Security. We’ll help you with the most robust standard, helping you become more cyber resilient in the process.
What is IASME?
IASME stands for ‘Information Assurance for Small and Medium Enterprises Consortium’. It is a not-for-profit organisation and as of April 2020, following a commercial tender process, IASME was named as the National Cyber Security Centre’s Cyber Essentials partner. Within that role, IASME is responsible for delivering the Cyber Essentials scheme. This was originally founded on the basis that organisations required a baseline of cyber security for their supply chains. Initially, that began with the IASME Governance standard, developed through a project funded by the UK Government to develop an alternative to ISO27001 for small companies.
IASME Governance certification
The IASME Governance standard was designed to be both affordable and achievable. It allows companies to demonstrate their cyber security level, showing that they are serious about data protection. To gain certification, you must complete an assessment which includes Cyber Essentials and GDPR requirements. It is available as a self-assessment or also as an on-site audit.
Cyber Security, now more important than ever
Cyber security frameworks are a critical element for organisations large and small. Recent years have seen huge growth in data breaches and hacking attempts. Our experts have paid particular attention to the rise in ransomware, as many companies are now starting to pay the ransoms. Indeed, we have taken steps to ramp up our penetration testing and vulnerability scanning services. Patrick Carolan sees this as an important step:
“There are some interesting articles about ransomware that you can read. This one from Black Fog states that the damages from cyber-crime amounted to 3 trillion dollars back in 2015. I agree with their estimate that in 2021 that figure will double, and ransomware is key to that. For example, in April 2021 they uncovered 31 attacks, against 12 in April 2020. Everybody in the cyber security industry is aware of the severity of the situation. You must address your own cyber security processes to ensure they are at a good standard. As an official certification body, we can help with that.
“We are always looking to increase our range of cyber security services. Our pen testing is as strong as it has ever been, and our certifications are stronger than before now that we also offer IoT Secure Compliance. You have to start off simple though and make sure that your cyber security levels are good enough. IASME Governance with CRIBB is a good place to start.”
Earn IASME Governance certification with CRIBB Cyber Security
This risk-based standard covers everything from physical security and staff cyber awareness through to data backup. Contact us and one of our qualified assessors will visit you on two separate occasions to ensure you have the right level of understanding. we’ll also provide you with all required policies and assist you in the completion of the assessment. It is as simple as that, and at the end of it you will be officially certified.
CRIBB Cyber Security is part of theICEway ecosystem, powering its ‘security by design’ approach to IT solutions.